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After my son was born, I experienced severe sleep deprivation first hand. I knew having a newborn was going to mean broken sleep to some degree, but I got the shock of my life. The only way I could get my baby to sleep from the first night we brought him home from hospital was to rock him, which I did… relentlessly. The nights were dreadful because he would wake every 45-60 minutes. I then became so nervous about getting any sleep myself that even when he was asleep, I still couldn’t fall asleep and found myself waiting for him to cry. I was averaging 2-3 hours of severed sleep per night and there were a few nights where I had no sleep at all! I think it’s safe to say I was in a horrible way. I was not only exhausted, but tearful and worried that my precious baby wasn’t getting the sleep he needed. I dreaded every evening!
I knew I needed help, but I was really reluctant because I was worried that there would be lots of crying involved, I believed sleep training involved continuous crying, or that it may damage the bond between my baby and I. I was also ashamed because I felt like I'd done something wrong and didn't want to admit that I was struggling. The cost also worried me as I thought it might not work for us – that my baby couldn’t be helped, and I'd be wasting my money. However, I was completely mistaken!
After another night of absolutely NO sleep, I contacted a sleep consultant, and it was the best thing I ever did and best investment my husband and I ever made. We were able to get into a brilliant routine and we instilled habits that are still going strong even now. My son started sleeping for much longer, he began to nap consistently and then through the night 7.30pm-8am; he still does to this day! It was life changing for us as a family, the bond between my son and I remains stronger than ever, and my only regret is that I wished I’d sought help earlier!
At Ready, Steady, Sleep Consultancy, I believe that building rapport and a positive working relationship with parents is key to their child’s sleep success. That is why, it is important that you as parents are sure that I am the right sleep consultant for you. To help you determine this, here is a little bit more about me…
Sleep training: I am trained and certified in the use of responsive and gentle sleep training methods only; No CIO used.
My knowledge and experience: Unlike many other sleep consultants, I have a background in Education and have worked with hundreds of families within my past career. Education has allowed me to access extensive training covering areas such as Child Psychology, Attachment Theory, Infant Mental health, Safeguarding, Behaviour Management and Special Educational Needs.
My specialisms: I am specialised in not only supporting baby and children and their sleep but children who are diagnosed with/ suspected Autism, Anxiety and Additional needs.
My personal approach: My support is very comprehensive and tailored to each child as an individual and to family life, to make support as personable as possible. I offer two weeks of unlimited messaging support with two of my main sleep support packages also, so you can be sure of support at anytime you need it whilst sleep training.
My support: Unlimited support via messaging (WhatsApp) for up to 2-3 weeks depending on which package chosen, so my clients feel supported every step of the way.